The journal Veterinarski arhiv (Vet. arhiv) publishes...
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The journal Veterinarski arhiv (Vet. arhiv) publishes original scientific papers, case reports, short communications, review papers and book reviews. Occasionally, in supplemental issues, it publishes papers of relevant conferences. The scope of the journal includes all fields of veterinary and animal sciences. Veterinarski arhiv is published by the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine University of Zagreb, six times a year, as an open access, peer-reviewed, international scientific journal. Only unpublished manuscripts may be accepted for the review process. All papers must be written in English and submitted via the Journal's online submission system (COMET). The content of the Journal is available free of charge and there are no publication charges. Abstracts/Contents are indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch™), Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, SCOPUS, Zoological Record, Biological Abstracts, BIOSIS Previews, CAB Abstracts (Index Veterinarius, Veterinary Bulletin), FISHLIT.

Ahead of print
Year: 2025, Volume: 95, Supplement


Evaluation of the antibacterial activities of Ag/ZnO nanoparticles against Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli isolated from infected bovine mammary glands

Shahrdad Arastoo, Zeinab Sharafi, Pegah Shakib, Babak Mohammadian and Mohammad Reza Zolfaghari

Procjena antibakterijske aktivnosti nanočestica Ag/ZnO protiv bakterija Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus aureus i Escherichia coli izoliranih iz zaraženih mliječnih žlijezda krava


Molecular characterization of the partial coding sequence (CDS) of the luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR) gene in Indian cattle breeds

Aditya Kumar, Satyendra Pal Singh, Deepak Sharma, Avneesh Kumar and Vishakha Uttam

Molekularna analiza dijela kodirajuće sekvencije (CDS) gena za receptor luteinizacijskog hormona (LHR) u indijskih pasmina goveda


Efficient BVD control on large industrial dairy farms infected with different subtypes of Pestivirus A strains

Attila Dobos, Krisztina Szigeti, Liliana Cubas-Gaona, Hágár Sasvári, Marko Samardžija, Mislav Kovačić and István Kiss

Učinkovita kontrola virusnog proljeva goveda na velikim industrijskim farmama mliječnih krava zaraženih različitim podtipovima pestivirusa sojeva A


Diverse gene targets for Trypanosoma detection in equines ‒ a comparative analysis

Muhammad Adnan Sabir Mughal, Muhammad Kasib Khan, Rao Zahid Abbas and Muhammad Saqib

Različiti ciljni geni za otkrivanje tripanosoma u kopitara ‒ komparativna analiza


The potentially anticancer effect of Busha cattle milk

Vesna Gantner, Krešimir Kuterovac, Marko Samardžija, Zvonimir Steiner, Ranko Gantner and Klemen Potočnik

Potencijalni antikancerogeni učinak mlijeka autohtone hrvatske pasmine krava buša


Understanding ammonia emissions: the impact of feed chemical composition on dairy Holstein farms

Mirna Gavran, Danko Šinka, Marko Samardžija, Ranko Gantner, Zvonimir Steiner and Vesna Gantner

Razumijevanje emisija amonijaka: utjecaj kemijskog sastava stočne hrane na farmama mliječnih holštajnskih goveda


Molecular detection of Cryptosporidium and Giardia duodenalis in canine faecal samples in the Qinghai Tibetan Plateau area, China

Yingna Jian, Xueyong Zhang, Liqing Ma, Guanghua Wang, Qigang Cai, Geping Wang, Xiuping Li and Panagiotis Karanis

Molekularna detekcija parazita Cryptosporidium i Giardia duodenalis u uzorcima fecesa pasa s tibetanske Qinghai visoravni u Kini


The association between canine hip dysplasia and CHST14 pseudogene polymorphisms

Erdal Topparmak, Ebru Eravcı Yalın and Iraz Akış

Povezanost displazije kuka u pasa i polimorfizama pseudogena CHST14


Variations in the population structure of Phlebotomine sandflies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in relation to the presence of potential dog hosts

Vladimir Ivović

Varijacije u populacijskoj strukturi papatača (Diptera: Psychodidae) u odnosu na prisutnost pasa kao potencijalnih domaćina


Analysis of the antibiotic resistance and virulence factors of Salmonella strains isolated on a turkey and goose farm

Nurdan Karacan Sever, Neval Berrin Arserim and Nida Özcan

Analiza rezistencije na antibiotike i faktora virulencije sojeva bakterije Salmonella izoliranih na farmi purana i gusaka

